
Scientific Program 2022

Just click on the picture to download the complete Congress Program as pdf.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dr. Guillermo Blugerman I Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl I Prof. Dr. Akin Yücel

08.30 | Welcome Prof. Dr. C. Can Cedidi

08.45 | Update IPSN – Society Worldwide netlinking Plastic Surgeons
Prof. Dr. Ayman Elmeligy

09.00 | Breast Augmentation – Mastopexie
Dr. Serdar Eren I Dr. Devrim Isbir

09.00 | Transaxillary Endoscopically assisted Breast Augmentation
Dr. Markus Klöppel I Dr. Gülbin Sosur

11.00 | How to manage secondary breast deformities
Dr. Carlos Oaxaca

11.15 | The Mackowski Lodge in the Breast
Dr. Marian Stefan Mackowski

11.45 | Carbo Pneumo Dissection (CPD) assisted Fat Transfer
Dr. Guillermo Blugerman

12.00 | Implant based breast reconstruction from an aesthetical perspective
Prof. Dr. Akin Yücel

12.15 | Breast Augmentation – Techinques and Implantselection
Prof. Dr. Günter Germann I Prof. Dr. C. Can Cedidi

11.45 | Breast Augmentation which plane do I use
Prof. Dr. Akin Yücel I Dr. Gülbin Sosur

| Lunch Break


Dr. Marian Stefan Mackowski | Prof. Dr. Günter Germann | Dr. Markus Klöppel

14.45 | Refinement of Breast Augmentation by Lipofilling
Prof. Dr. Luiz Toledo I Dr. Gülbin Sosur

14.45 | Capsula Fibrosa and combined corrective ADM/Lipofilling implant procedure
Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl | Prof. Dr. C. Can Cedidi

16.15 | Coffee Break

16.45 | How to improve results in secondary breast procedure
Prof. Dr. Günter Germann

17.00 | Indications and Perspectives for ADM
Prof. Dr. C. Can Cedidi

17.15 | The concepts of addition and subtraction in body contouring
Dr. Marco Romeo

17.30| Hybrid Breast Recostruction: The Scale Principle
Dr. Salvatore Taglialatela Scafati

17.45| Fast Track Recovery after augmentation mammaplasty
Prof. Dr. Flavio Borges Fortes

18.00| Belt Lipectomy: Planing and Execution
Dr. Sherif Wasif

18.15 | Lipocontour – Enhancing women silhouette
Dr. Hector Duran

Friday, March 01, 2019

Prof. Dr. Luiz Toledo | Dr. Carlos Oaxaca | Prof. Dr. Günter Germann

08.00 | Welcome Prof. Dr. Can Cedidi

08.00 | 3-Dimensional Facelift: 3 Regions 3 Levels
Dr. Serdar Eren

08.15 | Lower Blepharoplasty the use of the dermal mesh and its benefits
Dr. Adolfo Maldonado

08.30 | Lipofilling – what is true ?
Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl

08.45 | Lower Lid Blepharoplasty – Tips and Tricks
Prof. Dr. Charlotte Holm-Mühlbauer

09.00 | Tips and tricks with grafts in Rhinoplasty
Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes I Dr. Wasim Sakas

09.00 | Facelift
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bruck I Dr. Gülbin Sosur

12.00 | Lunch Break


Prof. Dr. Johannes Bruck | Prof. Dr. Ayman Elmeligy | Prof. Dr. Derya Özcelik

13.00 | Facelift
Dr. Serdar Eren I Dr. Devrim Isbir

13.00 | Revision Rhinoplasty with rib cartilage
Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes I Dr. Christine Gärtner

13.00 | HD-Liposculpting – Tips & Tricks
Prof. Dr. Ayman Elmeligy I Dr. Gülbin Sosur

15.30 | Coffee Break

16.00 | Filler application for beautification of face
Prof. Dr. Derya Öczelik

16.15 | The modern facelift
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bruck

16.30 | Possibilities and limits in revisional and structural corrective Rhinoplasty
Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes


19.00 | Gala Evening

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Exclusive Workshops in the Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive & Aethetic Surgery,
Center of Excellence (Gesundheit Nord – KBM)

08.55 | Welcome Prof. Dr. C. Can Cedidi

Workshop I

09.00 | Periorbital Rejuvenation
Dr. Claudia Schaar

Workshop II
09.00 | Facial Threads – new horizons
Prof. Dr. Ayman Elmeligy

Workshop III
09.00 | Perioral Rejuvenation with minimal surgical trauma
Prof. Dr. Akin Yücel

Workshop IV
09.00 | Hairtransplantation I – What´s new (Video Presentation)
Dr. Frank Neidel





Workshop V
09:00 | Hairtransplantation II (Live-Session)
Prof. Dr. Derya Özcelik

Workshop VI
09:00 | Facial Refinement with Neurotoxin and Fillers for natural results
Dr. Carlos Oaxaca

Workshop VII
09:00 | Cellfina® – Cellulite therapy in aesthetics
Dr. Markus Klöppel

11.30 | Coffee Break

Round Table with interactive Video-Session Talks
12.00 | Update and Discussion about Filler and Neurotoxin Complications and Solutions
Prof. Dr. Luiz Toledo | Prof. Dr. Akin Yücel | Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl | Prof. Dr. Johannes C. Bruck | Prof. Dr. C. Can Cedidi | Dr. Claudia Schaar | Dr. Guillermo Blugerman | Prof. Dr. Khaled Elsherbiny

14:00 | End of the 2. SOAP-Meeting Bremen