Our world class Faculty 2024 !
We are looking forward to welcome around 30 high-class experts from around the world in Bremen. *
Dr. Nuri Alamuti Wiesbaden, Germany
Dr. Matthias Aust Landsberg am Lech, Germany
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bayramicli Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. med. Marco Bertrams Düsseldorf, Germany
Dr. Javir Beut Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Prof. Giovanni Botti Salò, Italy
Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Cenk Demidöver Izmir, Turkey
Dr. Serdar Eren Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Wolfgang Funk Munich, Germany
Dr. Richard Gentile Youngstown, USA
Dr. Amir Farhang Gharagozlou Bremerhaven, Germany
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Mojtaba Ghods Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Raymund E. Horch Erlangen, Germany
Dr. Amin Kalaaji Oslo, Norway
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khashaba Cairo, Egypt
Dr. Vakis Parskevas Kontoes Athen, Greece
Prof. Dr.med. Ernst Magnus Noah Kassel, Germany
Dr. Carlos Oaxaca Mexico, Mexico
Prof. Dr. Mario Pelle Ceravolo Rome, Italy
Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl Regensburg, Germany
Dr. Mike Ruettermann Groningen, Netherlands
Dr. Pablo Sànchez Saizar Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Claudia Schaar Wiesbaden, Germany
Prof. Dr. Cemal Senyuva Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Matt Stefanelli Dubai, UAE
Dr. Marlen Sulamandize Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
Prof. Dr. Zekeria Tosun Selçuk. Turkey
Dr. Mariam Tsivtsviadze Tibilis, Georgia
Dr. Zia Ul Islam Karachi, Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Peter M Vogt Hannover, Germany
Dr. Uwe von Fritschen Berlin, Germany
Prof. Akin Yücel Istanbul, Turkey
* The speakers of the 6. SOAP-Meeting in Bremen do not receive any honoraria from the organizing company Logi-Vent GmbH.